
On 20 november, all Korean partners of the consortium met in a meeting at the KIST campus in Seoul. Leon Abelmann gave an overview of the cluster program and activities thus far, the progress presented at the MTB2018 meeting and feedback of the European partners in the consortium. Dr. Thomas John of Saarland University joined the meeting to introduce the activities in Germany on cell observation. Prof. Tai Hyun Park of Seoul National University presented his work over the last decades on magneto-tactic bacteria, and the use of their magnetosome crystals in targeted drug delivery. Dr. Kwangmeyung Kim of KIST presented his work on theragnostics, and how magnetic particles can be applied. Dr. Jiung Cho of KBSI presented the possibilities of his institute in the analysis of magneto-some crystals. Dr. Jinyoung Kim of DGIST presented his work on magnetic nano-robots and the cooperation with ETH. Dr. Eung-Sug Lee of KIMM presented the possibilities that his institute can offer in the area of micro- and nano-fabrication. Prof. Young Keun Kim of Korea University presented his work on magnetic nanoparticles and the possibilities for analysis in his research labs. Prof. In-Kyu Park of Chonnam Medical School presented his work on targeted drug delivery using bacteria based carriers. The meeting was closed with a discussion on the progress of the consortium, further plans for exchange of samples and ideas and feedback to the European partners.

As a direct result of interaction of the consortium during the MTB2018, we are now proud to announce that Aston University is joining our consortium. Dr. Fernandez-Castane is an expert in biotechnology. His laboratory is very well equipped to assist us in producing large quantities of magneto-tactic bacteria for magneto-some extraction.

The bi-annual conference on magneto-tactic bacteria (MTB2018) took place in Kanazawa, Japan, from 10-14 September 2018. This years conference had 120 attendees, from 13 different countries. There were 55 oral presentation and 43 posters. The Korea EU MTB consortium was well represented with 5 oral presenations by Ms. Pohl (MPI), Dr. Condotti (MPI), dr. Faivre (MPI), dr. Lefevre (CNRS) and prof. Abelmann (KIST Europe) and 6 posters by Dr. Adryanczsyk (CNRS), Dr. Murgia (HIPS), Dr. Ryu (KIST Europe), Dr. Korkmaz (KIST Europe) and prof. Abelmann (KIST Europe).

Highlights of the conference were the discovery that the magnetosome is centered exactly at the axis of MSR-1, magnetosome formation also takes place after the vesicles detach from the wall, MC-1 bacteria seem to swim with one bundle of flagella facing the forward direction, and magneto-tactic bacteria show iron isotope fractionation.

The abstract book of the MTB 2018 conference are available here.







We are very fortunate to welcome dr. Eung-Sug Lee of the Korea Institute of Machinery and Material. Their expertise in nanofabrication is of high importance for the development of nanorobots inspired by magneto-tactic bacteria.